Oh I love doing these posts…does that count as one thing? haha I love thinking really hard and taking the time to look around me and realize how much I prefer certain things. I will also include some things that I strongly dislike (my mom taught me to say that instead of hate because hate is a strong word).
1. the smell of lilacs. Its like heaven. I just keep trying to breath it in.
2. chicken. It’s my all time favorite protein. The best part about it is that you can do so much with it. It absorbs so many flavors and is just so juicy and yummy.
3. flip flops. It’s hard to wear them in Seattle because of the rain sometimes but thats ok.
4. hugs from little kids, they are so much more genuine.
5. old navy. I got this PERFECT white button down shirt. It’s not too tight, not too loose. In the past week I have worn it twice.
6. Cheesecake. Especially when its chocolate.
7. blueberries. I love that each one has its own unique flavor. Maybe a little tart, juicy, overripe. Yum….
8. starting a good book. In the past week I have read 5 books. I have too much time on my hands really.
9. my husbands attempts to rationalize my thoughts. It’s so cute. Sometimes I like to act a little crazy and dramatic to see how he reacts.
10. feet in warm sand.
Things I strongly dislike. (I am not going to attempt to think of ten because it might make me seem crazy)
1. walnuts. they are the most disgusting nut. No one should ever use them. We should let them go extinct. Seriously.
2. nuts in baked goods. Why would you ruin a good muffin, cookie, brownie by putting something crunchy into soft goodness. Why?
3. waiting to eat at a restaurant. It’s so silly. Especially when you walk to the bathroom while waiting and see all these empty tables. Dude? What the heck. What’s the holdup?
4. Knowing other people are traveling to exciting or exotic places that you have always wanted to go to. Then they post pictures and you look at ALL of them and imagine you are there. But it’s just not the same. I wish traveling was free. Wouldn’t that bring more world peace? Probably would make it more possible for drugs, sex, and war to spread. Maybe they could just let nice people travel for free. Like you do a good dead and get frequent flyer miles. That would be awesome.
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