Hey there. It’s been awhile and I kept thinking every day that I needed to jot down a post and confess my love of motherhood (a very real love I assure you) but I wanted it to be genuine and the words just weren’t coming to me. So I waited for inspiration to strike. Or a time when Max was napping long enough for me to think through my thoughts.
Unfortunately that time has yet to arrive because when Max sleeps I sleep. Or try. Like right now I should be sleeping but I had some photos I wanted to share.
What is it about new mothers wanted to post a bajillion photos of their new baby? I think Shakespeare described it best in his sonnets…basically we are narcissists and want to look at the mini versions of ourselves we have created. That and he is just too stinkin’ cute and I know you all love to look at pictures of cute babies.
So pictures commence:
I love those pics of Max and Kyle. It cracks me up that they have similar expressions in each picture. I thought Max looked like me when he was born but Kyle’s mom showed me a newborn picture of Kyle and the two are identical, like I thought it was a picture of Max.
I am happy to report Max is gaining weight like a champ. On thursday he weighed in at 9lb 6oz. Apparently I am feeding him buttermilk. He likes it I guess…
There he calls….wants some more of that buttermilk…
love these!
These are great pictures. I'm proud of you guys!
Ah! He is SO cute. Keep the pics coming!
The facial expressions are really funny! But then, so is Hubby's shirt. Fabulous.
After I had #3 a lady in the ward joked that I was feeding him butter because his cheeks were so jowly.
Cute fam!