He used to sleep for all but 4 hours during the day. Now its all smiles and gnawing on his knuckles.
He used to fall asleep on my chest and now he dozes on Daddy’s.
Yesterday at church we saw a four week old baby and my goodness she was tiny. To be fair she was as big as Max when he was born so she was definitely extra small but seriously it started to hit me how stinkin’ big they get so fast.
I love my little man. I love his smiles and the fact that he can now accidentally roll from his stomach to his back. I love that he laughs at fart jokes and goes all bug-eyed when we make wierd noises to entertain ourselves…I mean entertain him.
Just wait.
That tip is for you, but come to think of it, sometimes I say it to my children. "Just wait."
Enjoy the ride, Mama.
Kyle's shirt is seriously the best thing ever invented. And you are the most adorable mom ever! You make cute kids. Keep in touch 🙂