I want to start writing more openly, honestly, and consistently in this space. I want to improve my writing, my ability to share my ideas and radiate light. To do this, I need to believe in the power of my words and ideas. I want to meditate upon, write, and share my journey, my struggles, questions, discoveries, and joys! Not
just about losing James, but about being a mother, being a woman, being a convert, being me. There is no shame in sharing our stories, however imperfect we feel they might be.
Trying to improve, to grow, to become better, even when trying and failing or trying and getting nowhere is brave and worth the effort, always.
So I hope that you will find more of me in this space and I hope that you will read with open hearts and minds, remembering that our journeys, experiences, and perspectives are our own. But just because they are ours doesn’t mean that no one else will understand or gain insight. Sharing our stories brings strength and unity to this world and most of all, it brings light.
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