Can you believe how consistent I am being with blogging?! Turns out, setting reachable goals works. This week has been weird with sleep (which I am going to blame on some baby teeth coming in) and big on sunshine. I always imagine Winter and Spring duking it out during March and April, each trying to reign supreme. This week it feels like Spring finally won with consistent, warm, sit-outside-and-read sunshine. So with that joy that comes with regular Vitamin D intake, here are things I am loving this week.
-Crusty babies sitting all by themselves (outdoors!)
-This moment last night. Max had adopted that mini Book of Mormon as his scriptures and “reads along.” My favorite is when he turns the pages along with Kyle but ends up turning five at once.
-Daniel and I were sitting outside with Max and Kyle doing yard work. I had to run inside to grab something and asked Max to sit with Daniel. I came back to this.
– (Old pic but a favorite) This guy turns 28 tomorrow! He is my favorite thing of all time. He
improves the quality of life of anyone who is near him (Once though, he worked installing satellite
dishes and when the company called to ask how the lady’s service was, she complained that he “smiled too much.” So apparently not everyone appreciates his love of life.). So grateful to have found him and been smart enough to hold on to him. Happy Birthday Suckafish!
That picture of Daniel and Max melts my heart!