After having four pregnancies in six years, I knew I would want a longer break before I thought about having another baby.
Then my husband’s sister came to live with us.
Then a tree fell on our home.
Completely out of sorts, but in many ways paying attention to the universe (and my body) telling me to wait…it’s not time yet.
Then everything started to feel settled and suddenly I counted off the months and I realized I wanted a baby before the 2020 holiday season struck.
March 13th, 2020, I had a positive pregnancy test and later that day school was cancelled for the foreseeable future.
First trimester nausea hit me with force.
“I NEVER want to do this again.” I said to myself and my husband. He was home with no work. His clinic closed out of precaution and honestly wants to go physical therapy when there’s a major pandemic?
In the middle of toilet paper hoarding and tight finances, I survived on Taco Bell, sometimes begging my husband to get me a chicken torta from a local taco place instead.
His work opened back up with safety measures in place and I worried, immensely, about bringing Covid into our home. It felt like a looming threat to this pregnancy and it terrified me.
I tried hard to maintain some semblance of schooling, rising from the fetal position on the bed, breathing long and slow to soothe the nausea.
At my first doctor appointment they did a vaginal ultrasound to check out baby’s heart. “How far along did you say you were?” the ultrasound tech asked.
Apparently I was a full month ahead, I had been pregnant for an entire month and didn’t realize it due to some unusual first trimester bleeding that I mistook for a period. I was exuberant! It’s like I got to skip a month of pregnancy! The horizon for the nausea tapering off was SO much closer.
My doctor eased my concerns about the bleeding and I let my mind relax into hope for a new baby, something to look forward to.
This baby has been like a lighthouse through the fog of the pandemic.
As the water’s of the world get tossed and muddied, I kept my eyes set on Fall. Fall meant the leaves would turn golden and brilliant and baby would come.
A baby girl no less.
I knew that I would ADORE this baby no matter the gender, but I also knew that physically and mentally I was done with the process of pregnancy and I badly wanted to experience sharing life with a daughter. I feel a strong sense of purpose in raising boys who will be kind, sensitive, and respectful men but I also wanted to raise a daughter who would be a strong, kind, woman who knows her value in this world.
Finding out this baby was a girl added to the joy of waiting for her arrival.
As the summer months ticked by I just kept my focus, knowing that October would come and soon she would be here.
This baby has been the greatest blessing of 2020; to look forward, to know that joy was coming, to be able to plan and organize. She has given me purpose to keep myself and my family as safe as possible, she has given my mind something to think about beyond Covid-19, the election and the surge of conspiracy theories. As my stress level would rise at times, I would remind myself to breath for baby, to stay calm for baby, to take care of my mind and my body to keep baby as safe and healthy as possible.
October happens to be Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month, and I obviously have thought a lot about James as I await this baby’s arrival. I have thought a lot about the lessons that His loss taught me that have carried me through this entire pandemic.
Your world will break and it will be horrible. But it has the potential to bring out so much beauty and growth.
When the world, your world, gets chaotic, simplify. Focus on what matters most.
Be open, be vulnerable, feel the feelings. That is where connection and healing occurs.
Sit in the nuance of it all. Be slow to draw final, exacting conclusions. Look for the humanity.
Seek joy, create joy, relish in the smallest moments it occurs.
Baby girl is set to come on Monday and I just pray that she may feel all the love for her we have built and carried these past months, that she may continue to help us feel hope.
Watching her grow up with her brothers will certainly be something to look forward to.
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