Over the past year I have been on the Greenway more than I have in my whole life growing up in Yakima. I’m not sure why we didn’t utilize the Greenway more growing up, in total it boasts 10 miles of decently flat, paved trails along the Yakima and Naches Rivers. You have probably seen it driving along the highway on your way to Naches or driving from Yakima to Selah or Yakima to Union Gap. It is perfect for a safe family bike ride or for getting outside while the snow melts in the spring and turns every single hike into a muddy mess.
Returning to the Valley, I avoided the Greenway namely because I never knew where to park. I knew there were multiple spots to start from and that meant multiple directions and sometimes things like that keep me (and I imagine others) from even trying. That’s why I am always so grateful for the expertise of friends who have shown me exactly where to go.
If you are looking to get outside for a walk as the sun is finally melting all the snow away or your kids have been begging to get back on their bike, go to the Greenway. Now is the perfect time to enjoy the sun, get some fresh air and notice the Valley shifting into spring, especially the rivers as the snow melt makes them really come to life!
The Naches Trail section:
This section is a great straight stretch. I will meet friends to walk and our kids will sit in their strollers or scooter alongside. We tend to go as far as seems doable; a good rule of thumb is once the youngest child shows signs of getting tired that is when you should start turning around.
-In the Spring and Fall this trail is perfect mid-morning to mid-afternoon, in the Summer I would only suggest going along the trail in either the early morning or in the evening.
-There is a toilet by the parking lot where you will start and others further up the trail, but best to always start with a bathroom stop if you don’t want to chance any accidents.
-Be sure to bring a water bottle and some snacks for breaks!
Directions: From Yakima, head towards Naches on Highway 12. At the stoplight by Suntides Golf course, you will turn right onto the Old Naches Highway, you will then take the first immediate left into the McIlrath Farm Market parking lot, to the left you will see a gravel driveway that will lead you to the parking spot to start on the Naches trail.
To Sunrise Rotary Park
Sunrise Rotary Park was built in 1994 and I remember as a child it seemed like THE coolest park I had ever been to. With a clear Castle vibe, it has bridges and towers and ladders galore. Getting there was part of the fun because you have to park your car and walk/bike about 1 mile to access it (as an adult that is not always fun, but for a kid…traveling to a hidden park is definitely special). Time has not been very kind to this park, it is definitely more than a little worn, but whenever my children go…they don’t see it’s flaws, only an opportunity for play. They love it just as much, if not more, than I did. Just be more cautious of splinters.
-There are restroom facilities, but they are basic. It is wise to pack your own hand-sanitizer.
You can park at Sarg Hubbard Park and head North on the Greenway trail or Rotary Lake parking lot and head South on the trail. Each one is about a mile distance to access the wooden playground.
Alternatively, if you plan to bike to the park and want a longer ride, you can park at the 16th Avenue lot. To get there, head towards Highway 12 on 16th Avenue and instead of turning to get on the highway, just head straight and park. Head East on your bikes. The trail will take you under Highway 12 and I-82, and it makes for a fun ride to get to the park. We have done this, played a bit at the park and headed back. Made for a fun Saturday activity.
*Word of caution when parking to access the Greenway trail at any location. Do not leave any valuables in your car. These parking lots are commonly hit by thieves, but don’t let that deter you. Just be smart.
You can access more information about the trails and look at a map yourself at the Greenway website HERE.